
Concept image made for the Legends of Sora novel

Early composition sketches , as well as exploration sketch about what the city layout would be like

Early composition sketches , as well as exploration sketch about what the city layout would be like

Exploring ideas for types of structures , following a general shape. The idea was that most, if not all buildings, would be functional towers in either a commercial, residential, military or industrial function

Exploring ideas for types of structures , following a general shape. The idea was that most, if not all buildings, would be functional towers in either a commercial, residential, military or industrial function

The whole city laid out in Blender. This was the first time I discovered the joy ( and agony ) of learning how to properly use arrays

The whole city laid out in Blender. This was the first time I discovered the joy ( and agony ) of learning how to properly use arrays

Viewport textures and lighting

Viewport textures and lighting



The first experiments with 3D modeling

The first experiments with 3D modeling

Modeling tiered designs for the industrial towers

Modeling tiered designs for the industrial towers

Here I was exploring the type of buildings that would make up the general structure of the entire city.

Here I was exploring the type of buildings that would make up the general structure of the entire city.

Testing out textures and lighting for the upper class / residential towers

Testing out textures and lighting for the upper class / residential towers

The distinctive domes were added and immediately I had a better idea of what the industrial zone would look like

The distinctive domes were added and immediately I had a better idea of what the industrial zone would look like