Wild Life Umbar II

Unused concepts for the new Umbar house redesign

Unused concepts for the new Umbar house redesign

Unused concepts for the new Umbar house redesign

Unused concepts for the new Umbar house redesign

Second draft concept ideas for houses

Second draft concept ideas for houses

Second draft concept ideas for house exteriors

Second draft concept ideas for house exteriors

Second draft concept ideas for interiors

Second draft concept ideas for interiors

Exterior design ideas

Exterior design ideas

Material callouts

Material callouts

Environment sketches for the town

Environment sketches for the town

Environment sketch for the town's surrounding area

Environment sketch for the town's surrounding area

Environment sketch for the town's surrounding area

Environment sketch for the town's surrounding area

Environment sketch for the town

Environment sketch for the town

Environment sketch for the town

Environment sketch for the town

Paint overs for house exterior

Paint overs for house exterior

Paint overs for house exterior

Paint overs for house exterior

Unreal Asset created by 3D modeler Tobias

Unreal Asset created by 3D modeler Tobias

When I first joined the Wild Life team, I was tasked to redesign and dress up the Umbar region. Initially I was given lots of freedom to explore new ideas. For this particular part, I learned a lot about how to design tileable and procedural building designs.