Hi! I'm Michiel, a freelance artist based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. My passion lies in designing worlds for the entertainment industry. Be it theme parks, film production or video games, I believe that the right environment can set the tone for an entire project and transport the audience to another world.
I am proud to be part of a massive creative endeavour with P&P Projects and Vidanta World. Our goal is to develop the Vidanta BON Park in Mexico. Check out https://nuevovallarta.vidantaworld.com/en/parks/bon!
I use a combination of traditional software like Photoshop and Blender, as well as various AI technology and VR tools to create 2D and 3D visuals. I'm constantly on the lookout for new and exciting challenges to expand my creative boundaries. Additionally, I dedicate time to personal projects to refine my skills and explore my creative vision.
Visual novels, mobile- & pc games, animation projects, marketing artwork and more.
- Creating concept art and designs for the Vidanta Bon Park in Mexico
- Developing schematic designs for rides, queue-lines, load- & unload stations
- Producing 3D mockups for Unreal Engine animatics
- Illustrating marketing materials
Designing and painting cartoony backgrounds for a educational dungeon-crawler mobile game 'Drugs & Diseases' https://www.cheesebroccolistudio.com/
Created the cover art for a new TTRPG artbook
I was responsible for re-designing the open world MMO 'Wild Life'. My main responsibility involved creating 3D blockout models, overpainting for layouts, designing assets, and proposing narrative- & gameplay driven concepts
Designing concepts for sets and backgrounds, as well producing background paintings
Concept art and background images for a scifi-based game project
Card art designs for a unannounced board game in development
Concept art for an upcoming educational science-related game about classical physics and quantum physics. 'Science Tales' developed by Reddlock Studio
Designing and illustrating concept art, as well as marketing images for the online novel 'Legends of Sora' as written by Broc Sewell https://legendsofsora.com/
Visual Development for the Entertainment industry. Most recent project : Theme park ride- concept art
Concept art, Background paintings, U.I and character design for PocketQuest, a mobile RPG.
Vehicle, prop en U.I design for RaceDayChallenge, a mobile racing tycoon game.
Concept art and background design for 'Wereld van Verschil' a Therapeutic PC game developed for young people dealing with ( imminent ) grief. A virtual world was designed to help them deal with their grief, fear and other worries, but also to encourage them to remember and rejoice. In addition, it is a platform to keep and share memories with other young people reminding them that they are not alone.